Thursday, September 29, 2005

an open book and an empty cup

"the sky really was that blue", says graham, in his first post about the europephotobloggers meetup*.

it wasn't just the perfect weather, though, that bestowed brightness on the weekend - it was, first and foremost, the people: those i had met before and was delighted to see
again, those i had hoped to meet and whose aquaintance i was happy to make, and many, many new, but now-familiar names and faces.
the energy, the sharing of creative insights, the good humour, made the get-together
a great success, a true feast.

and london itself - whose sidewalks we explored at length: thank you, eric! -
was the icing on the cake.

*many more impressions (everyone's) on flickr!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

with somewhere to be

the week to come will be spent picking and packing, and peeking daily at the weather forecasts - rachel and i are off to london on friday for the europephotobloggers meetup.
this new old camera will, without a doubt, be slipped into my suitcase: it has an
uncanny ability to make even the greyest of days glow.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

and counting

a week has become ten days, and i have been twisting myself into knots trying to translate everydayness - a summer cleaning, a profitable garage sale, a beautiful
concert in theater carré, too few sessions at the gym, and the dilemma of what
to take to london in ten days time - into some sort of uniqueness.
but there are places in the world where, sadly, such simple things would be sorely appreciated, so i feel - though subdued and uninspired - singularly blessed.

Sunday, September 4, 2005

Friday, September 2, 2005

piece of cake

"birthdays are occasions for looking forward to the making of plans, for dreaming dreams, and hoping they will come true."

well: what a coincidence!
that was precisely what i had in mind for today.