Monday, February 4, 2008

nips and tucks

two-muses is five years old today.

five years sounds fledgling, but it is actually quite venerable - elderly even - in this world of webcreativity, and i would be the first to confess that some restorative and corrective surgery is in order.

it's not so much our demeanor - although the possibility of posting larger images would please me no end - but functionality is faltering, especially since the hack: whole pages have gone missing, for instance, and we (meaning i) can no longer update the "inspiration" links.

help seems blessedly at hand. the lovely myla has offered to guide us through some changes (thanks, myla!) as has the cleverest of my colleagues (thanks, börge!).

within weeks, we may be looking fresh and feeling sprightly again.

until then: cake, anyone?