Monday, August 23, 2004

somebody else's song

you see:
there is more to this than meets the eye, a deeper self, a different story; sometimes insight - even truth - is just a tender touch away.


  1. Do I spot the Ship of Fools?
    I thought this before I saw the alt title, which places it at the Azartplein. It must be the SoF!

  2. This is great! I love shooting old boats! I have a Toronto Harbor series coming up on my P-Blog in a few weeks.

  3. Old boats. Yeah, why not. Should go to the harbour myself more. Like the quote too, still thinking about it. Rather deep, indeed.
    Like the colours in the boat photo. But then I usually like the coulours here.

  4. love the colors and textures... really nice...

  5. what a coincidence... i understand your quote and it goes perfectly with my 'girls in the underground' as well
    sometimes a photographer can feel very lonesome because he's the only one emotioned by the image he took...
    plenty of rust over 'the flag' here...

  6. Lynn, having just read a post about 'sacred spaces' I came to your site. It occurs to me that Two-Muses is one my sacred online spaces. You give me a place where I can lose myself for a moment in your photos and ponder your always lovely and thought-provoking words. So thank you for that--for giving me the web-surfing equivalent of a deep and calming breath.

  7. This is very ripe fruit! There's so much in your space to notice: obviously, the painted-over S, but the way the band of rivets was integrated into the plag image as a pole; the hook... A nice collection of elements!

  8. And made me wonder, are those brown spots rusts, or dye from another paint?

  9. I agree with frank. Nice composition.
