Thursday, November 4, 2004

taken to the cleaners

i really did believe that they were going to wash that man right out of their hair.
i am disturbed - and totally mystified - that they didn't.


  1. Ah, brought back memories from the past... the main reason why I kept on saving up Quarters...

  2. I think this shot would look equally outstanding in b&w .. I wish I would have taken this one .. I love laundrymats...

  3. I believed it as well and am still sitting here, stunned.

  4. So this is where the elusive King of Sicily does his laundry!
    Wish I could wash some schoolchildren out of my hair, but the site is great therapy at the end of an angst-ridden week. Hope the journey back went well!

  5. The nightmare looks like it's about to intensify, too...
    This is a great shot, the brught red and blues, the doors askew... Thanks for putting this up!

  6. what baffles me most is the people who i see everyday with the same demographics and ethnicity as mine chose to continue the insanity. effectively, i have no one to commiserate with. :-(

  7. Great!!
    How did you turn an usual day into the art!!!
    i love your blue(#) and red(basket)!

  8. I only hoped. The drop's always there, but sometimes, one's compelled to look down. It looks a long way to the bottom, today.
    If ever you decide to go into the postcard business, I'm a buyer.

  9. well, i tried my best. but what's one little vote?
    as for this photo, it makes me appreciate
    my washer&dryer. i sure don't miss the laundromat.

  10. Haha, Lynn's into the 'wasmedat' as well.
    Not worth going to Gent for, unless you really have to be there. I enjoyed the good company tonight and some good photo's as well. But I wouldn't make the trip just for wasmedat, I pass Gent every day.

  11. The red basket makes the picture. I keep trying to look at the washers, but my eye keeps snapping back to the basket. Nice effect.

  12. Next time you are here, can you shoot the numbers on the machines. They look like they might be a good picture.. LOL
