Thursday, December 30, 2004

there but for fortune

i suppose - new year's eve being my least favourite holiday of the entire year - that this is easy for me to say, and do, but i'll say and do it anyway:
if everyone were to halve their party spending - wine instead of champagne, sparklers instead of fireworks, whatever - and donate the difference, however small, to the red cross (or here in holland to giro 555), millions of uprooted people in south-east asia might find some kind of hope in 2005.


  1. ~I just wanted to stop in and wish you nothing but the best in the New Year to come Lynn!!!~

  2. Lovely thought. And just when my darling wife told me the food she got for tomorrow night cost twice as much as what we had on Christmas eve. And I came home with two bottles of sparkly tonight. Must I feel guilty now? Of course not. I won't help those poor people if I do. I'll just make a contribution. Actually, I already have. We have started up something at work.
    Have a nice and peaceful old&new everybody!

  3. a lovely photo and a wonderful message! yes!

  4. Good thoughts, Lynn. Best wishes for 2005.

  5. All wonderful suggestions, Lynn. And the photo is great as well. The warm glow of the sparkler spills beautiful light on your subject, and the firey hot center is magnificent. Happy New Year Lynn.

  6. i agree.
    let's hope that it wasn't a unique thought in all of the people out there in this world of ours.

  7. Glad that I came here from 'apparently nothing at all'. I like the photos and what you have to say. Happy New Year
