Monday, May 5, 2008

that soothe, and heal, and bless

last year on his birthday, our friend sander was so weakened by his multiple myeloma, and the severity of the treatments he was undergoing, that he could manage no more than an hour of quiet participation in his own festivities.
this year on his birthday, following a successful bone marrow transplant and months of therapy, he was radiantly and joyously in the limelight, opening gifts, uncorking wine, conversing...
...and piling his own party pizzas enthusiastically with parmesan and prosciutto, a feat undreamable just 12 months ago.


  1. This is such a fine story and such a beautiful photograph! Sante Sander! :)

  2. Isn't that wonderful! Such news is sought for every day of the year; your photo is a fine celebration.

  3. I'm so pleased for him and for you.

  4. It's such a nice surprise to see the wonderful pictures you made at my little birthdayparty. A true gift. Thanks to all that have wished me well. Bless you all...

  5. How wonderful! I'm so glad to hear that your friend is feeling so much better. You captured the moment beautifully too.
    Happy Mother's Day to you, Lynn!

  6. a really intimate beautiful picture and real glad to hear those good news lynn.

  7. Wonderful news Lynn. Even though I don't know Sander so good to hear happy news in this world on constant bad stuff!
    Lovely shot.
