Monday, January 7, 2008

i know not whither

on a fine fall morning last year, out with my friend sander in his boat, gliding
gloriously through this water-wealthy village we live in, there was hardly a cloud - literally and figuratively - in the sky.
the same heavens - literally and figuratively - are looking slightly more somber just now.
all i can really do is go with the flow, as they say, and blow, believing, in the wind.


  1. You should bend with the wind, indeed, else you risk breaking.
    And take a good look at somber, it can be pretting in a somber little way.
    Hang in there!

  2. thinking of you, sending you love and blue sky sunlight ...
    this is beautiful, xox

  3. This is stunningly beautiful - and with to me such a japanese feel. Glorious.

  4. This one makes you long for the summer!
    Hope you are allright, Lynn.

  5. Lynn--
    I'm a little in awe of how the universe is working at the moment; you added me today to your contact list at flickr (I am participating in the abc-along 2008 project). First, thank you -- I'm new to flickr and didn't even know about this feature. But what's really astonishing me is that I've been following your blog for a long time (two years? more?), and have absolutely loved your work and words. I've commented once or twice but have been shy about it. Now, that you've found me via flickr really feels as though there's some higher force at work in the universe -- I'm guessing you have no idea that I've been visiting your blog all along. Well anyway, thank you for connecting; the world feels very small (and comforting!) today!

  6. A SONG of the good green grass!
    A song no more of the city streets
    - Walt Whitman
    Beautiful, simple, a journey to a lovely spot.
