Sunday, September 7, 2003

a dog's life

i love dogs. i love cats too (and everyone KNOWS that i love rabbits), but they don't generally become two-muses subject-matter.
this particular canine, however, is saar, and saar is unique.
saar belongs to guus and geertje, and saar not only lives the life of riley, but she has her own website as well. (you need to be able to read dutch to wind yourselves around the delightful stories, but the photos will make you smile.)
most importantly, she is the happiest bassett i know, taken underwing when her previous owners couldn't cope any longer, and totally and absolutely adored.
she is also lazily familiar with the best café in amsterdam, but that is another story.


  1. Hehe! Bassethounds, now that's the life.

  2. I might be a French Basset, spending some hours in the Pub with you has definately improved my English... (and drinking skills, but that's another story ;-))
    Thank you for the lovely text, and remember... to get your act together, French Bassets are allways available to lay down on your lap. Love, Saartje

  3. A nice picture of a cute pooch. Well done!

  4. Dear Saartje, I will never forget you. You were the most wonderfull dog of the world.
    Everyone who met you, immediatly fell in love.
