Saturday, September 27, 2003

untangling, slowly

the knots have loosened slightly, but the memories still chafe.
she is very good at forgiving.
she is very poor at forgetting.


  1. Am I allowed to regard it as something made for me?
    Sep,27 is my birthday.
    Coincidentally, it fits my mood so well.
    She is still young.
    She is not that young.

  2. My apologies for my errant log at the moment, Lynn.
    This image reminds me so of Proulx' "Shipping News" ... try Chapter 1's "Quoyle" knot ... which "may be walked on if necessary" ...

  3. sophie: please do!
    someone, somewhere, recognising the emotions, and maybe even sharing them, is the truest compliment to the little stories..

  4. errant, julie? it's gone totally MISSING the last few days, alas...but you're a daily destination, so i'll know when you're back on track!

  5. I love the knotty photo and clever wrap of words.
