Thursday, October 30, 2003

saving daylight

the days, shortening, have shifted.
the morning harbour is once again washed in watery gold, and my evening homecoming is suddenly draped in darkness.
i'm undecided: do i prefer the light early? or late?
it's a moot point. in just weeks, dawn and dusk will be attempting an encounter somewhere in the early afternoon, and we will all be grateful for whatever winter brightness we can find.

* has a whole new design, and a whole new ranking system: worth a visit, definitely, and compliments...

*and my exceptional daughter has got her new site up and running. it's lovely; i am PROUD. i always am.


  1. In your generosity you have leant the evenings to us ... we shall give them back untarnished come March.

  2. Spending a fortune on candles now...

  3. I know, isn't it depressing? Drive to work in the dark, drive home in the dark. Sigh.

  4. Hah ... join me here down under ... the deeps of winter I drive to work at 8am in full light and drive home at 5pm ditto ...

  5. I can't wait to read your daughter's blog!! That's so cool. (Now if only I could get my mom to blog along with me, too... LOL)
    I wrote a poem about this Daylight Savings business for a creative writing class last year. This entry reminded me of it... I'll have to go dig it up!

  6. and P.S. - I see that she'll be attempting Nano this year! ;0

  7. p.s. visited your daughters site - no wonder you're proud ... great stuff!

  8. Marieke has done a wonderful job, Lynn. A delight to trawl through. Thank you to her.

  9. Those yellow buoy things seem animate to me, like yellow birds waiting to have their photo taken.
