Thursday, March 4, 2004


"look," i said to my husband, "i have this photo of the langestraat, with the city hall tower in the background, and i want to write something like 'i live in a cheese town. and it is very proud to be a cheese town, as you can see.'"
"what's cheese got to do with that picture then?" he asked.
"well, it's got to do with that big wheel of cheese in the street decorations," i responded. sigh.
he looked very doubtful. "but they won't notice that."
"they will, too. they're observant people. they'll see the connection".
i live in a cheese town. and it is very proud to be a cheese town, as you can see.
i TOLD him so.


  1. Yeah, a real festoonery
    "cheese?" - all photographers know this word ;-)

  2. I come from the cheese STATE! So I win. ;)

  3. hahha.. wow i'm suprised an underprivilaged hasn't already climbed up there and snatched that big wheel. bet it's aged just nicely by now.

  4. had to laugh reading this funny anecdote
    i could imagine this conversation so very well!

  5. lol! too funny:)
    mmm. cheese.

  6. @Gimmy: we live in a cheese country, so we do win in the end.
    I live in a cheese town as well by the way. Its name makes more people worldwide think of cheese than of the city itself...
