Sunday, March 6, 2005

and no place to go

"solitude begets whimsies."
- mary worley montagu

a frivolous post: what better way to start a winter week?


  1. I get a melancholy feeling when I look at decorations like this, which seem to have been left behind. A week or so ago I walked past a building whose ornamental cabbages (I think that's what they're called) hadn't survived the winter freezes. Knowing what they're supposed to look like in their glory, I was saddened.

  2. Nice bit of colour in a white world. Thanks for giving my week a colourful start!

  3. Beautiful, thank you for the colors on a cold and trist winter morning. Have a nice day!

  4. Sorry, I meant "dreary" - trist is german.

  5. I love this! It made me smile...and I needed that this morning. My saying would have been "solitude begets whining"...or maybe that's just me... ;)

  6. Trust one planter of impossible gardens to recognise another.

  7. frivolities & whimsies! i'll never get enough:)

  8. wonderful discovery and what a luck for us, that you took a foto of it. I love it very much.
    I am delighted that you figured out what my last shot displayed :)

  9. ~I/eye like the splash of color amidst all that stark white snow...~

  10. Sheesh, at first glance they look like condoms!

  11. The the vivid looking colours against the white snowy background makes me really belief spring is coming. I felt it this morning ; the wind was softer and the sky clear.
    Thank you for confirming my hopes Lynn.
    oh and as always, gorgeous picture :)

  12. ~by the way...CONGRATS on the inclusion of your images and commentary in the st edition of Photoblogs Magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

  13. *opps, that should have been "1st" - my "1" button has been sticking lately...

  14. if i would find this on my way i would think... that's weared... lynn must have passed here...
    i haven't met you yet but i'm sure... this is you!

  15. So simple yet so alluring. What a great discovery your site is.
