Saturday, April 30, 2005

a royal peculiar

i am not fond of orange, as i once mentioned, and i am definitely not fond of mass gatherings, so i will no doubt spend today curled up in a comfortable chair, with a
good book, and - in the back of my mind - yes, birthday thoughts: for an out-of-sight
(but not out-of-mind) friend.
happy queen's day, all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

another round

the one i had, which i loved, was ended.
the one i got, which i didn't love, was ended, too: by me.
the one i want, which i know i would love, is imminent.
i hope.
all this uncertainty may drive me to drink.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

to feed thy soul

my fisheye adaptor ended up, last week, somehow, in several alarming pieces, and i suspect, somehow, that i didn't reassemble it - tsk - properly.
so, the swell of this horizon is undeniably assymetrical, but i don't mind too much: the listing rows of hyacinths* still suggest, as i hoped they would, a sweet-scented tray of purple delicacies proffered, tilted, for approval and admiration.
you'd almost think, wouldn't you, that there were hills in this part of holland?

*perhaps i should have gathered a birthday bunch: a friend - er, acquaintance - is celebrating his 29th today; my best wishes to him!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

and don't call me sugar

life can be complicated sometimes.
and when things turn labyrinthine, as they have now, i bless people like bob, in this
case for his via-via "when you see red, shoot it" quote: it distracted me today, teased me
into my files, took my mind off that call that hasn't come...

...and maybe won't.
there are few certainties in life, but this is one: the tiny flirtatious flutters of scarlet
do make a difference here, four times over.
and this is another: telephones never ring when you most need them to.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

the cat and the fiddle

"the mere brute pleasure of reading - the sort of pleasure a cow must have in grazing."
- lord chesterfield (british statesman, diplomat and wit, 1694-1773)

a random quotation does me a good-turn-of-the-day:
these images didn't have much in common except that specific shade of teal blue.
and now they do.

Monday, April 11, 2005

fair and tender ladies

the neverending construction work in amsterdam has been known to make me
grumble, here - and to anyone within earshot as i stumble, harried, over yet another hurdle.
above the confusion and the rubble, though - along the rokin, for instance - the gables still soar, stately and serene, gentlewomen with dusty skirts, unperturbed and necessarily patient.
i'll just be patient, too, i suppose.
and i'll just keep glancing cloudward.

Friday, April 8, 2005

and now for something...different

"if you wait until you are sure, you will never take off the training wheels."
- unknown

i've had a holga for a while now, but its unfamiliarity and the price of film & developing kept me careful, and indecisive, and slow. i was sure, when i finally picked up the first prints yesterday, that most of the test roll would have to be written off as amateur bumbling.
i was right.
but wouldn't you know: the two acceptable images turned out to be one of bicycles...

...and one of boats.
add one of café tables and chairs, and i would be totally predictable.

Sunday, April 3, 2005

sweetness and light

"nice weather for paris", i said to rachel on wednesday, as we strolled through a sunny springtime amsterdam.
"any weather is nice weather for paris", she replied.

*take a look, if you please, at bernard's anthropy, and a special look at this amazing image..and this...and. i could go on. see for yourselves.