and lo, behold: december has skimmed by, swiftly, smoothly; a new year is just
beyond the rise.
it was, perhaps, a silly, spur-of-the-moment little resolution - this posting daily - but it has done me good; and here i am in the home stretch, with a festive finish in sight.
it should be an easy glide from here.
You can do it! (It's been fun having you post daily.) :)
ReplyDeleteReally hope you'll keep it up Lynn. I love these two, especially the one on the left!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you decided to post daily and that you kept it up. I've enjoyed it for sure.
ReplyDeleteSo keem 'm coming.
And have a great Christmas!
i love polaroids... i also love any sign that says "slippery dip". nice snap.