Friday, December 22, 2006

wondrous familiar

"let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
- marcel proust (french novelist and author, 1871-1922)

those mornings - every morning - we stood companionably in the chairless kitchen, sipping makeshift lattes and waiting for the toast to brown; we watched the man-next-door tend his greens beyond the steamy window; we decided where - more or less - to go, which cameras to take there, and which film to feed them with.
those mornings - every morning - we crossed our fingers for sun, checked the door three times, and smiled wryly at how everyday routine - transformed by simple friendship - becomes a dearly cherished ritual.


  1. Better Latte than Never!

  2. You need the story with this one. Makes it great!

  3. I must mow that grass :( Next Spring:)

  4. I love the view you both words and the picture. It's wonderful to savor your daily routine. Routine is presented as such a negative sometimes. But I cherish it so much.

  5. This is an absolutely beautiful image. Maybe it's the green. Maybe it's the comfort of the familiar it exudes. Maybe it's the window frame.
