Sunday, September 14, 2003

table d'h�

philippe has added a new section to his already-irresistible site. this one is called "un repas par jour" or "one meal a day", and features daily images of a beautiful and culinary nature.
definitely worth sampling.


  1. He does have some wonderfully composed images. I especially liked the initial one on Sept 1 of the egg and the image on Sept 3 of the breadboards and knives. You yourself are doing okay with your condiment pots - although I hate the stuff myself.

  2. im afraid of seeing mayonaise left out unrefridgerated. that was my first reaction. does this mean i am getting old? :-)

  3. Ooh, now I have a real craving for some of those great chips they sell in the cones, with a nice dollop of mayonnaise!
